
Keir Steele Waldon Lawyers is steadfast in its commitment to building stronger and more vibrant communities. We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of regional Queenslanders. We achieve this through our involvement in various community initiatives. 

We are actively engaged in making a difference to the lives of those who call regional Queensland home, from supporting grassroots sporting and community groups to donating time on local boards or fundraising for charitable causes.

Local Support​

We proudly support the following local sporting and community groups:


We proudly support the following charities:

Our firm is also proud to support the Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation by participating in the annual ‘Put Your Foot Down’ walk for pancreatic cancer research in Townsville. It is a cause that is very close to our hearts and one that we are excited to be involved with for many years to come. Our passion for enriching our local communities is further demonstrated through the involvement of our staff on not-for-profit Boards and Committees and the pro-bono legal services we offer organisations that promote public interest such as Townsville’s Mentally Healthy City Project.

Professional Bodies

We hold memberships of the following professional organisations: